“A Form of Justice” The Short Film
The short film directed by Glenn Lahr, Liberty University Cinematic Arts Student, is a 40’s crime thriller noir that he co-wrote with his brother Jake Lahr. The film follows a couple of detectives investigating an attempted murder. However, when they arrive at the scene things aren’t as clear cut as they thought.
Did you know?
According to the Director Glenn Lahr’s vision, the film was originally mean’t to be in black and white. A fully realized noir picture. However, after consideration, Lahr decided to keep things in color to fully focus on individual character wardrobe choice and aesthetic. Keelan’s character “Joseph” wears purple and has a bold yellow bow-tie accent piece. This is to portray a sense of trustworthiness.
Did you know?
This photo was taken after Day 2 of the film shoot. The makeup Keelan wore was to show blunt force trauma to the head during an altercation with the antagonist of the film. A fun fact: Keelan would go to classes after filming with the makeup still applied and used it to catch professors “off guard” when asked why he would miss class. He says “some would ask about the fake bruise and others would just stare and give an excused absence.”