“Sam” The Short Film

Directed by Laura Palacio and Produced by Alex Ching, both rising Liberty Cinematic Arts students. “Sam” is a film about an isolated teenage boy struggling to let go of his imaginary friends. Keelan plays the character “Monte,” who is a local kid in the neighborhood who becomes friends with Sam by the end.

“At it’s core, the film is meant to inspire children and adults, neurodivergent or otherwise, to feel seen and loved.” - Laura Palacio

Did you know?

Keelan has worked with many fascinating individuals within his career so far. The film’s lead Logan Polson has worked on many different projects. Including the 2022 feature film “Why The Nativity?” directed by Dr. David Jeremiah. He plays “Joseph” the earthly father of Jesus Christ!

“Monte” End Credits Art

The drawing is based on a scene in which Monte and Sam fully acknowledge each other for the first time and a friendship ensues.


"Cape Verde" Tourism Shoot


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